Coca-Cola |
In the lead up to Freedom Day, Coca-Cola wanted to remind South Africans of its heritage. They wanted to create a symbol of South Africa’s diversity and celebrate the fact that as a nation we have come so far. Coca-Cola aimed to inspire moments of optimism and happiness, and rainbows can do both.
In April 1994, Archbishop Desmond Tutu coined the phrase ‘Rainbow Nation’ when South Africa experienced its first democratic election. During the month of April 2014, in celebration of ‘Freedom Month’, Coca-Cola created rainbows to mark the 20th anniversary of South Africa’s democracy and the birth of the Rainbow Nation.
This presented an opportunity to send out a strong message reminding South Africans of their heritage and “open happiness”, via a country-wide traditional and social media campaign titled Coca-Cola Rainbow for a Rainbow Nation.
Eclipse Communications was tasked with amplifying the Out of Home (OOH) installation, which was done by layering the OOH campaign with a creative concept, activations, and a publicity and digital PR campaign for added amplification.
We chose one of the largest skyscrapers in the Johannesburg CBD to share our message. Rainbows were created across the JHB skyline, using sunlight, recycled water, some fancy science and a little bit of magic.
We showed people what was at the end of the rainbow, by hosting on-the-ground activations at Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown. Media were invited to view the rainbows and conduct interviews with Coca-Cola spokespersons, Khaya Dlanga and Sharon Keith.
Media drops were delivered to influential South Africans, their own slice of the rainbow, to celebrate their contribution to making the rainbow nation great. The brightly coloured packs were customised to each person, relevant to themselves and their brand. The packs contained information about freedom month and what Coca Cola was doing to celebrate it.
Press releases were distributed to the media sharing video content of what was happening during the month of April in celebration of Freedom Month.
The response was instant. Influencers commented on and took pictures of their packs and posted these on social media, also highlighting the importance of celebrating 20 years of democracy.
Media drops were delivered to influential South Africans, their own slice of the rainbow, to celebrate their contribution to making the rainbow nation great. The brightly coloured packs were customised to each person, relevant to themselves and their brand. The packs contained information about freedom month and what Coca cola was doing to celebrate it.
Press releases were distributed to the media sharing video content of what was happening during the month of April in celebration of Freedom Month.
The response was instant. Influencers commented on and took pictures of their packs and posted these on social media, also highlighting the importance of celebrating 20 years of democracy.
News of our rainbow was picked up beyond South Africa’s borders. It had people talking on twitter, got #RainbowNation trending and was featured on media platforms around the world with overwhelmingly positive sentiment.
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Coca-Cola Rainbow for a Rainbow Nation won the following awards